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Egypt: Old Kingdom For Mac

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*Old Kingdom Egypt Map

*Egypt Old Kingdom

*Egypt: Old Kingdom For Mac Download

*Egypt: Old Kingdom – a strategy simulation game about the times of the construction of the Great Pyramids where every player can start from uniting the Egyptian tribes and end as a ruler of the First Empire. This is the first and only game that was made with the participation of scholars and historians of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

*Egypt: Old Kingdom Strategy simulator of the Great Pyramids period, where you take your path from the unification of Egyptian tribes to the foundation of The First Empire. Developed with the assistance of Egyptologists. Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as not interested.

*In 340 turns and 1360 years of Egypt history, you will have to develop Memphis from a tiny settlement to the capital of Ancient Egypt, explore the area around it and go even further, establishing various contacts with remoted nations.

*Egypt Old Kingdom is a turn-based strategy, built on the history of the I-VIII dynasties of Ancient Egypt. Take on the role of tjati - the royal viziers, governing the state on behalf of the great pharaohs. Manage resources, assign workers, found new districts, build temples and palaces and discover the amazing history of Ancient Egypt.Egyptian Old Kingdom Dynasties

Egyptian Old Kingdom Dynasties – In 300 BC the Egyptian historian Manetho wrote a history of Egypt called Aegyptiaca, which put the number of dynasties (ruling Families) at thirty. Although his original book did not survive, we know of it from the works of later historians such as Josephus, who lived around AD 70 and quoted Manetho in his own works. Although Manetho’s history was based on native Egyptian sources and mythology, it is still used by Egyptologists to confirm the succession of kings when the archaeological evidence is inconclusive.

Egypt: Old Kingdom is the sequel, the next chapter of the story. It begins with a group of people sent from Hierakonpolis to discover a new territory. It overlaps with Predynastic Egypt by 500 years.

The ancient Egyptians listed their kings in a continuous sequence beginning with the reign on earth of the sun god, Ra. Events were recorded by the reigns of kings and not, as in our dating system, based on a commonly agreed calendar system. For that reason, exact dating of events in Egyptian history is unreliable.

Modern scholars have divided Manetho’s thirty dynasties into “Kingdoms.” During certain times, kingship was divided or the political and social conditions were chaotic, and these eras are called “Intermediate Periods.” Today the generally agreed chronology is divided as follows, beginning from 3100 years before the birth of Christ – BC – around 5114 years ago.

*The Archaic Period (414 years)

*The Old Kingdom (505 years),

*The First Intermediate Period (126 years),

*The Middle Kingdom (405 years),

*The Second Intermediate Period (100 years),

*The New Kingdom (481 years),

*The Third Intermediate Period (322 years),

*The Late Period (415 years),

*The Ptolemaic Period (302 years).Archaic Period

First Dynasty 3100 – 2686 BC

Before the first dynasty Egypt was in fact two lands and according to folk tales, Menes (also thought to be Narmer) the first mortal king, after the rule of the gods, united these two lands. But by the end of the first dynasty there appears to have been rival claimants for the throne.









Second Dynasty 2890 – 2686 BCAt the end of the 1st dynasty there appears to have been rival claimants for the throne. The successful claimant’s Horus name, Hetepsekhemwy, translates as “peaceful in respect of the two powers” this may be a reference to the opposing gods Horus and Seth, or an understanding reached between two rival factions. But the political rivalry was never fully resolved and in time the situation worsened into conflict.

The fourth pharaoh, Peribsen, took the title of Seth instead of Horus and the last ruler of the dynasty, Khasekhemwy, took both titles. A Horus/Seth name meaning “arising in respect of the two powers,” and “the two lords are at peace in him.” Towards the end of this dynasty, however, there seems to have been more disorder and possibly civil war.





*Khasekhem (Khasekhemwy)Old Kingdom 2686 – 2180 BC

Third dynasty 2686 2613 BCThis period is one of the landmarks of Human history. A prosperous age and the appearance of the worlds first great monumental building – the Pyramid. The artistic masterpieces in the tombs of the nobles show the martial wealth of this time

Djoser – one of the outstanding kings of Egypt. His Step Pyramid at Saqqara is the first large stone building and the forerunner of later pyramids.

*Sanakht 2686-2667

*Djoser 2667-2648

*Sekhemkhet 2648-2640

*Huni 2637-2613

Fourth dynasty 2613 2494 BCEgypt was able to accomplish the ambitious feat of the Giza pyramids because there had been a long period of peace and no threats of invasion. So their energies were spent in cultivating art to it’s highest forms.

The fourth dynasty came from Memphis and the fifth from the south in Elephantine. The transition from one ruling family to another appears to have been peaceful.

*Sneferu 2613-2589

*Khufu 2589-2566

*Radjedef 2566-2558

*Khafre 2558-2532

*Menkaura 2532-2503

*Shepseskaf 2503-2498

Fifth Dynasty 2494 – 2345 BC

The first two kings of the fifth dynasty, were sons of a lady, Khentkaues, who was a member of the fourth dynasty royal family. There was an institutionalisation of officialdom and high officials for the first time came from outside the royal family.The pyramids are smaller and less solidly constructed than those of the fourth dynasty, but the carvings from the mortuary temples are well preserved and of the highest quality.

There are surviving papyri from this period which demonstrate well developed methods of accounting and record keeping. They document the redistribution of goods between the royal residence, the temples, and officials.

*Userkaf 2494-2487

*Sahura 2487-2475

*Neferirkara Kakai 2475-2455

*Shepseskara Isi 2455-2448

*Raneferef 2448-2445

*Nyuserra 2445-2421

*Menkauhor 2421-2414

*Djedkara Isesi 2414-2375

*Unas 2375-2345

Sixth Dynasty 2345 – 2181 BCThere are many inscriptions from the sixth dynasty. These include records of trading expeditions to the south from the reigns of Pepi I. One of the most interesting is a letter written by Pepy II.

The pyramid of Pepi II at southern Saqqara is the last major monument of the Old Kingdom. None of the names of kings of the short-lived seventh dynasty are known and the eighth dynasty shows signs of and political decay.

*Teti 2345-2323

*Userkara 2323-2321

*Pepy I 2321-2287

*Merenra 2287-2278

*Pepy II 2278-2184

*Nitiqret 2184-2181First Intermediate Period 7th and 8th dynasties 2181- 2125 BC

About this time the Old Kingdom state collapsed. Egypt simultaneously suffered political failure and environmental disaster. There was famine, civil disorder and a rise in the death rate. With the climate of Northeast Africa becoming dryer, combined with low inundations of the Nile and the cemeteries rapidly filling, this was not a good time for the Egyptians.

The years following the death of Pepy II are most obscure. The only person from this era to have left an impression on posterity is a woman called Nitokris who appears to have acted as king. There are no contemporary records but Herodotus wrote of her:

“She killed hundreds of Egyptians to avenge the king, her brother, whom his subjects had killed, and had forced her to succeed. She did this by constructing a huge underground chamber. Then invited to a banquet all those she knew to be responsible for her brother’s death. When the banquet was underway, she let the river in on them, through a concealed pipe. After this fearful revenge, she flung herself into a room filled with embers, to escape her punishment.”

For a time petty warlords ruled the provinces. Then from the city of Herakleopolis there emerged a ruling family led by one Khety who for a time held sway over the whole country. However, this was short lived and the country split into North, ruled from Herakleopolis and South, ruled from Thebes.

Whereas the Theban dynasty was stable, kings succeeded one another rapidly at Herakleopolis. There was continual conflict between the two lands which was resolved in the 11th dynasty.

Seventh & Eighth Dynasties 2181 – 2125 BCThis dynasty was short lived and we only know the names of two kings. There were about seventeen minor warlords ruling different provinces.


*Qakara Iby

Ninth & Tenth Dynasties 2160 – 2025 BCThere emerged a family from the city of Herakleopolis, led by Khety, who for a time ruled over the whole country. This did not last however, Egypt split into north and south again. The north was ruled from Herakleopolis and the south from Thebes.

*Khety Meryibra

*Khety Wahkara


*ItyGet Karnak Great Court for FREEEgyptian Old Kingdom DynastysOld Kingdom Egypt Map

The introduction of writing in Egypt in the predynastic period (c. 3000 bce) brought with it the formation of a special class of literate professionals, the scribes. By virtue of their writing skills, the scribes took on all the duties of a civil service: record keeping, tax accounting, the management of public works (building projects and the like), even the prosecution of war through overseeing military supplies and payrolls. Young men enrolled in scribal schools to learn the essentials of the trade, which included not only reading and writing but also the basics of mathematics.genetics: Mathematical techniquesBecause much of genetics is based on quantitative data, mathematical techniques are used extensively in genetics. The laws of probability...

One of the texts popular as a copy exercise in the schools of the New Kingdom (13th century bce) was a satiric letter in which one scribe, Hori, taunts his rival, Amen-em-opet, for his incompetence as an adviser and manager. “You are the clever scribe at the head of the troops,” Hori chides at one point,

a ramp is to be built, 730 cubits long, 55 cubits wide, with 120 compartments—it is 60 cubits high, 30 cubits in the middle…and the generals and the scribes turn to you and say, “You are a clever scribe, your name is famous. Is there anything you don’t know? Answer us, how many bricks are needed?” Let each compartment be 30 cubits by 7 cubits.

This problem, and three others like it in the same letter, cannot be solved without further data. But the point of the humour is clear, as Hori challenges his rival with these hard, but typical, tasks.

What is known of Egyptian mathematics tallies well with the tests posed by the scribe Hori. The information comes primarily from two long papyrus documents that once served as textbooks within scribal schools. The Rhind papyrus (in the British Museum) is a copy made in the 17th century bce of a text two centuries older still. In it is found a long table of fractional parts to help with division, followed by the solutions of 84 specific problems in arithmetic and geometry. The Golenishchev papyrus (in the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts), dating from the 19th century bce, presents 25 problems of a similar type. These problems reflect well the functions the scribes would perform, for they deal with how to distribute beer and bread as wages, for example, and how to measure the areas of fields as well as the volumes of pyramids and other solids.The numeral system and arithmetic operations

The Egyptians, like the Romans after them, expressed numbers according to a decimal scheme, using separate symbols for 1, 10, 100, 1,000, and so on; each symbol appeared in the expression for a number as many times as the value it represented occurred in the number itself. For example, stood for 24. This rather cumbersome notation was used within the hieroglyphic writing found in stone inscriptions and other formal texts, but in the papyrus documents the scribes employed a more convenient abbreviated script, called hieratic writing, where, for example, 24 was written .

In such a system, addition and subtraction amount to counting how many symbols of each kind there are in the numerical expressions and then rewriting with the resulting number of symbols. The texts that survive do not reveal what, if any, special procedures the scribes used to assist in this. But for multiplication they introduced a method of successive doubling. For example, to multiply 28 by 11, one constructs a table of multiples of 28 like the following:

The several entries in the first column that together sum to 11 (i.e., 8, 2, and 1) are checked off. The product is then found by adding up the multiples corresponding to these entries; thus, 224 + 56 + 28 = 308, the desired product.Egypt Old Kingdom

To divide 308 by 28, the Egyptians applied the same procedure in reverse. Using the same table as in the multiplication problem, one can see that 8 produces the largest multiple of 28 that is less then 308 (for the entry at 16 is already 448), and 8 is checked off. The process is then repeated, this time for the remainder (84) obtained by subtracting the entry at 8 (224) from the original number (308). This, however, is already smaller than the entry at 4, which consequently is ignored, but it is greater than the entry at 2 (56), which is then checked off. The process is repeated again for the remainder obtained by subtracting 56 from the previous remainder of 84, or 28, which also happens to exactly equal the entry at 1 and which is then checked off. The entries that have been checked off are added up, yielding the quotient: 8 + 2 + 1 = 11. (In most cases, of course, there is a remainder that is less than the divisor.)

For larger numbers this procedure can be improved by considering multiples of one of the factors by 10, 20,…or even by higher orders of magnitude (100, 1,000,…), as necessary (in the Egyptian decimal notation, these multiples are easy to work out). Thus, one can find the product of 28 by 27 by setting out the multiples of 28 by 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, and 20. Since the entries 1, 2, 4, and 20 add up to 27, one has only to add up the corresponding multiples to find the answer.

Computations involving fractions are carried out under the restriction to unit parts (that is, fractions that in modern notation are written with 1 as the numerator). To express the result of dividing 4 by 7, for instance, which in modern notation is simply 4/7, the scribe wrote 1/2 + 1/14. The procedure for finding quotients in this form merely extends the usual method for the division of integers, where one now inspects the entries for 2/3, 1/3, 1/6, etc., and 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, etc., until the corresponding multiples of the divisor sum to the dividend. (The scribes included 2/3, one may observe, even though it is not a unit fraction.) In practice the procedure can sometimes become quite complicated (for example, the value for 2/29 is given in the Rhind papyrus as 1/24 + 1/58 + 1/174 + 1/232) and can be worked out in different ways (for example, the same 2/29 might be found as 1/15 + 1/435 or as 1/16 + 1/232 + 1/464, etc.). A considerable portion of the papyrus texts is devoted to tables to facilitate the finding of such unit-fraction values.

These elementary operations are all that one needs for solving the arithmetic problems in the papyri. For example, “to divide 6 loaves among 10 men” (Rhind papyrus, problem 3), one merely divides to get the answer 1/2 + 1/10. In one group of problems an interesting trick is used: “A quantity (aha) and its 7th together make 19—what is it?” (Rhind papyrus, problem 24). Here one first supposes the quantity to be 7: since 11/7 of it becomes 8, not 19, one takes 19/8 (that is, 2 + 1/4 + 1/8), and its multiple by 7 (16 + 1/2 + 1/8) becomes the required answer. This type of procedure (sometimes called the method of “false position” or “false assumption”) is familiar in many other arithmetic traditions (e.g., the Chinese, Hindu, Muslim, and Renaissance European), although they appear to have no direct link to the Egyptian.Geometry

The geometric problems in the papyri seek measurements of figures, like rectangles and triangles of given base and height, by means of suitable arithmetic operations. In a more complicated problem, a rectangle is sought whose area is 12 and whose height is 1/2 + 1/4 times its base (Golenishchev papyrus, problem 6). To solve the problem, the ratio is inverted and multiplied by the area, yielding 16; the square root of the result (4) is the base of the rectangle, and 1/2 + 1/4 times 4, or 3, is the height. The entire process is analogous to the process of solving the algebraic equation for the problem (x × 3/4x = 12), though without the use of a letter for the unknown. An interesting procedure is used to find the area of the circle (Rhind papyrus, problem 50): 1/9 of the diameter is discarded, and the result is squared. For example, if the diameter is 9, the area is set equal to 64. The scribe recognized that the area of a circle is proportional to the square of the diameter and assumed for the constant of proportionality (that is, π/4) the value 64/81. This is a rather good estimate, being about 0.6 percent too large. (It is not as close, however, as the now common estimate of 31/7, first proposed by Archimedes, which is only about 0.04 percent too large.) But there is nothing in the papyri indicating that the scribes were aware that this rule was only approximate rather than exact.

A remarkable result is the rule for the volume of the truncated pyramid (Golenishchev papyrus, problem 14). The scribe assumes the height to be 6, the base to be a square of side 4, and the top a square of side 2. He multiplies one-third the height times 28, finding the volume to be 56; here 28 is computed from 2 × 2 + 2 × 4 + 4 × 4. Since this is correct, it can be assumed that the scribe also knew the general rule: A = (h/3)(a2 + ab + b2). How the scribes actually derived the rule is a matter for debate, but it is reasonable to suppose that they were aware of related rules, such as that for the volume of a pyramid: one-third the height times the area of the base.Egypt: Old Kingdom For Mac Download

The Egyptians employed the equivalent of similar triangles to measure distances. For instance, the seked of a pyramid is stated as the number of palms in the horizontal corresponding to a rise of one cubit (seven palms). Thus, if the seked is 51/4 and the base is 140 cubits, the height becomes 931/3 cubits (Rhind papyrus, problem 57). The Greek sage Thales of Miletus (6th century bce) is said to have measured the height of pyramids by means of their shadows (the report derives from Hieronymus, a disciple of Aristotle in the 4th century bce). In light of the seked computations, however, this report must indicate an aspect of Egyptian surveying that extended back at least 1,000 years before the time of Thales.





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